View Full Version : closing of window on pressing ESC key

5th January 2008, 07:24

i my application my dialog window closes on pressing the ESC key.

But i don't want it to be like that.
how can i disable the Esc button????????????????


5th January 2008, 09:48
But that's the standard way how dialogs work. The question is, what features of QDialog are you actually using? Maybe it shouldn't be a dialog after all but an usual window?

From QDialog docs:

Escape Key
If the user presses the Esc key in a dialog, QDialog::reject() will be called. This will cause the window to close: the closeEvent cannot be ignored.

Ugly workaround: catch or filter the event. Better solution: use a plain QWidget instead.

7th January 2008, 02:36
thnx ,
actually i switched from dialog to widget and my problem is solved :)
