View Full Version : Eclipse_Qt4_OpenCv

8th January 2008, 12:38
Hi everybody
Firstly I tried to solve these issues long
I have many problems :)
Firsty I use Qt 4.3.3, opencv 1.0.0 on Windows Xp
When I try Qt's exe, I am taking error such as Qtcore4.dll is not found, and when
I put this dll into current directory my problem is solved. I looked environment variable and my Qt installation directory is E:\Qt\4.3.2\bin for bin. I set this value for my environment variable
but when it is set, Have I to use E:/Qt/4.3.2/bin; or E:\Qt\4.3.2\bin; I confuse?Which qmake does prefer these?I used E:\Qt\4.3.2\bin.

2-My second question is about opencv + eclipse+ QT.
I read some post about opencv on this form and other forms.:(
I put opencv's header files and librarys to Qt project's pro file but when I put these files pro file separates C:\Program Files\.... as C:\Program and Files\.....
How is it for whitespace character in .pro file.
Is there anybody makes configurations for opencv and Qt4?

Thanks in advance

19th January 2008, 19:49

"\" is windows version
"/" is Linux version. In pro file better is to Linux version of slash. Qt will replace it to correct.

whitespaces are delimiters. So if you have path with it you must use: "path" "path2" ...


21st January 2008, 08:11
Firsty I use Qt 4.3.3, opencv 1.0.0 on Windows Xp
When I try Qt's exe, I am taking error such as Qtcore4.dll is not found, and when
I put this dll into current directory my problem is solved. I looked environment variable and

2-My second question is about opencv + eclipse+ QT.
I read some post about opencv on this form and other forms.
I put opencv's header files and librarys to Qt project's pro file but when I put these files pro file separates C:\Program Files\.... as C:\Program and Files\.....
How is it for whitespace character in .pro file.
Is there anybody makes configurations for opencv and Qt4?

1.To the first problem
I think the reason to this is about the settting of Environment variables.
Right click on "My Computer”, select Properties->Special Tab->Environment
variables. Find the value "Path”, select "Edit” append a " ; ” and the path of your
QT 4.3.3 bin directory.

2.To the second problem
When you install the QT,the installer works as a guide, asking you where to install Qt. Make sure to pick a directory path free from spaces because that can cause you problems later.
Where did you insall QT4?If the target dir is "c:\program files" like dir (including space),I think your should reinstall QT and change the target dir.

I think you can get some reference by visiting the site below:

Gook luck!