View Full Version : send own class reference throught signal

10th January 2008, 16:46

I have a own class that I need to emit using a signal. The problem is:

class classA

public slots:
void aSlot(myClass&);

class classB: public classA
bool bC = connect(pClassC,SIGNAL(aSignal(myClass&)),this,SLOT(aSlot(myClass&));
//This returns me "true"
classC* pClassC;

classA is a base Class. Has the slot to be called.
classB is derived from classA. Conects the classC signal with parent slot.
classC is a class that do something and emits a signal.

I had this working by passing the objects as value, but now, passing them by reference, the slot is not called.

Any idea what is happening?


10th January 2008, 16:50

I'm getting this:

Make sure 'myClass&' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)

When I try to register it I'm getting this error when compiling:

c:\Qt\4.3.0\src\corelib\kernel\qmetatype.h(104): error C2558: class 'myClass' : no hay un constructor de copias disponible o éste se declaró como 'explicit'

in english maybe something like this:
c:\Qt\4.3.0\src\corelib\kernel\qmetatype.h(104): error C2558: class 'myClass' : there is not a copy constructor or this have been declared as 'explicit'


10th January 2008, 20:55
Are you sure you don't want to pass it as const reference?

10th January 2008, 21:55

I just added "const" to copy constructor and it works.

Are you sure you don't want to pass it as const reference?

How to do this and what is the difference?
