View Full Version : clear screen function( )

8th March 2006, 20:29
hey there just wondering if there is a simple clear screen fucntion that can be used with QPainter after i paint something so that i can start again? i have a button on the screen so i would like to connect the function to that...any idea's??

8th March 2006, 20:32
QPainter::fillRect() maybe? :) But... hmm... why would you want to do that? Are you using QPainter outside of paint event?

8th March 2006, 20:41
im not using it outside of QPainterEvent rite now, but i mite need it later on i think. my program is just used to draw graphs onto qpainter and i would just like a way for the user to have a clear screen function instead of having to close the window and starting again.