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View Full Version : QTableWidget, header cells margin

16th January 2008, 06:49
I can margin cells of QTableWidget header, or some cells on grid?

17th January 2008, 12:04
I guess you can use setContentsMargins() (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qwidget.html#setContentsMargins) for the QTableWidgetItems

17th January 2008, 21:22
I can't find this function, maybe it dont present in Qt 4.3.2 ?

17th January 2008, 22:10
Sorry, I assumed it was a QWidget subclass, I see it is not.

17th January 2008, 23:38
You need a custom delegate for that in 4.3.2. Since 4.4 you'll be able to use stylesheets, but in 4.3 the default delegate doesn't support them.