View Full Version : I need a pause (QTimer)

16th January 2008, 07:44
Hi guys i am trying to interface into a system which needs pause (wait for some time in every command). eg

signature function will do the following

send enable command

pause for some time

send signature request
pause for sometime
send signature request for another device

can i use a QTimer to create a wait inside my function? Is this possible?


Gopala Krishna
16th January 2008, 08:17
Hi guys i am trying to interface into a system which needs pause (wait for some time in every command). eg

can i use a QTimer to create a wait inside my function? Is this possible?


If the command sending function is a single function which accepts string or predefined set of parameters, then probably you can use a Queue something like this.

QQueue<QString> q;

q.clear(); //clear pending jobs
q << "enable" << "sigrequest1" << "sigrequest2" ..;


act_sendCommand(q.head()); //this is the function responsible to send the command
QTimer::singleShot(delay, this, SLOT(sendCommands())); //call self to call subsequent commands

Ofcourse this system might fail if you are using multiple threads..

16th January 2008, 16:12
Good, that might work for me i dont have multiple threads i tried to make my life simple...
Any more ways gentlemen


Gopala Krishna
17th January 2008, 05:37
If you aren't using multiple thread and if you can assure no reentrancy then there is chance that this following method will also work for you
Again stressing the fact that this will fail miserably if there is chance of you calling the manualPause function while it is already in progress.
Probably you can disable the buttons/control widgets when the manualPause is in progress. (also function using manualPause won't be reentrant)

enum State

State state;

/** This function won't return till the time delay */
void manualPause()
state = Paused;
QTimer::singleShot(delay, this, SLOT(setRunState());
while(1) {
if(state == Run) break;

void setRunState()
state = Run;