View Full Version : Visual Studios 2005 rebuild question

19th January 2008, 04:53
I am fairly new to using Visual Studios 2005 and Qt, having spent most of my development with Qt on Linux. I am using the integrator but I am trying to move the GeneratedFiles\ moc files into a different directory other than the base directory. I have successfully done this, however every time I build or run the application, all the Qt files are re-moc'd and subsequently re-built. This takes a rather long amount of time and I know it was not occurring when the files were in the default directory structure Qt put them in. Is there something I am missing other than editing the properties for the headers to output to my new directory and pointing my include paths to this new directory? Like I said before, my application builds and runs correctly, it just has to completely re-build everything every time! :confused:

19th January 2008, 09:54
You can probably tweak that somewhere in the VS configuration, but if you have a .pro file, you can use qmake's directives - OBJECTS_DIR, UI_DIR, RCC_DIR and MOC_DIR to point where those files should be generated. Then you can generate a Visual Studio project from the .pro file if you want one.

19th January 2008, 18:23
Unfortunately I am not using a .pro file, just using VS to alter Qt areas.

20th January 2008, 11:20
So use whatever means VS provides. Just be aware that you can create a VS project from a qmake one.