View Full Version : [COMPLETION] I am looking for a simple way to ...

20th January 2008, 12:26

I am looking for a simple way to do completion on this input:


I fetch logins from a database and the user has a QLineEdit in which he can put LOGIN LOGIN LOGIN ...
I want to provide completion for each LOGIN

Thank you ;-)

20th January 2008, 14:23
What have you tried already? You need a simple model that will have an unlimited hierarchical list of logins and you need to set the completer to treat the space character as a tree separator. It's all in the docs...

21st January 2008, 11:26
In the docs there is two possibility: the one you shown and an other one from an exemple which subclasses the edit widget and takes the word under cursor and popup completion.

If i follow you proposition i have to subclasses QAbstractItemModel.
With the second choice i have to subclass QLineEdit.

I was thinking that there were a simpliest solution because this grammar is very simple to complete. I'll subclass QAbstractItemModel.

Thank you wysota :)

21st January 2008, 11:56
The line edit is supposed to contain a single text, thus completion replaces the entire text by default. You can tweak the behaviour if you provide custom slots that will manipulate the completion prefix and the line edit text properly. Otherwise you'll have to preapare such a simple model.