View Full Version : QDevelop question...

3rd February 2008, 10:31

I would like to know where in QDevelop I set the default path to Qt4. Its trying to use the Qt3 version of "uic" and I can't find where to change that.

I also have two versions of Qt4 installed, one static and one dynamic and I would like to change the Qt4 I use project by project.

I currently use Monkey Studio (1.6) and in that IDE its under "edit, options, path, Qt". It does make it simple to switch from static to dynamic compiles.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Regards, B1.

3rd February 2008, 14:25
Tools->External Tools>"qmake", which points here to "C:\Qt\4.3.2\bin\qmake.exe"

mmm... re-read...

If you set the proper qmake, it will call the proper uic. Which operating system...?

3rd February 2008, 21:15
Thank you for the quick response, elcuco.

I am trying it out on Linux at the moment and the Tools->External Tools>"qmake" points to "/usr/lib/qt-4.3.2/bin/qmake". Unfortunately it still calls the wrong "uic". I also tried point it to "/usr/lib/qt-4.3.2-static/bin/qmake" and that didn't work either.

Clearly I have made a mistake somewhere but I can't see it...D'OH!!!

I will delete the config files for QDevelop tonight and try again.

Regards, B1.

4th February 2008, 10:37
I tested it again and it called the correct "uic" this time, however it used the wrong "qmake". I set the path to "/usr/lib/qt-4.3.2-static/bin/qmake" however it used the "/usr/lib/qt-4.3.2/bin/qmake" (no static).

I'm confused.....back to the drawing board.....


4th February 2008, 17:04
Did you try a "make distclean" before this?

4th February 2008, 20:42
Yes I did but maybe I missed something during the install of the second version of Qt4 (static version) . I think I will leave it to the weekend and go through my documentation and check to see if I have a missed step somewhere.

Thank you for your replies.

Regards B1.