View Full Version : QT 4.3.3: QSystemTrayIcon, winEvent, how to add an on ON HOVER handler...

4th February 2008, 08:04

I've been working with the QSystemTrayIcon component, this part of our
application is targeted towards windows exclusively, so I don't mind if
I do something that is not portable.

QSystemTrayIcon emits a number of button activated reason codes via its
"activated" signal, but I am trying to capture the event that signals
that the mouse is hovering over the tray icon, specifically in windows,

I've gone through the source of QSystemTrayIcon to see how its private
parts work, but I can't quite seem to figure out an appropriate (or the
best) way to capture WM_MESSAGE traffic in my tray applet, and if I
don't see the one message I am after, delegate it back down to the
QSystemTrayIcon object I am a decedent of. It seems that all pretext of
the QWidget is deeply nested inside of private classes that I can
dispatch to from my derived object.

Is there something I am missing? I can modify the
QSystemTrayIconSys::winEvent in qsystemtrayicon_win.cpp to do what I
want it to, but I don't want to be off in a private branch for my QT
source... I've tried all the ticks I can think of in my derived
QSystemTrayIcon class, but alas, it does not directly inherit from
QWidget and doing so, I still can't dispatch down my inheritance chain
to handle those things that I don't need to.


John Suykerbuyk

4th February 2008, 11:12
You can do an winEvent, but have a look at QWidget::enterEvent, as this tells you when the mouse enters the widget, you can do something similar with ordinary event and QEvent::MouseMove.

This makes the tricky part, as you can do a custom class with a subclass of QWidget and QSystemTrayIcon. (which I don't know if would work...)

But the easier solution is probably to reimplement ::event(QEvent *e)
Somthing linke this:

bool SystTrayIcon::event( QEvent e )
switch ( e->type() ) {
case QEvent::MouseMove:
Do Mouse Move stuff Here
Should happen when the mouse is over your systray icon

case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
/* Button Press things here */
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
/ * Do mouse release button stuff */
case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
/ * Do mouse double click stuff */
return QObject::event( e );

Have a look at how the systray implements the clicks if you want same functionality as it has for those options.