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View Full Version : Help creating .vcproj

6th February 2008, 10:32
Hello everybody,

I've got an open source package that I'd like to build more in VS2005, I hope somebody could explain me how QT will involve this and how I could build this; Im busy with this source for a few days right now and my head is exploding right now..

The project is : Link here.. (http://downloads.sourceforge.net/linq/linq-4.1.7.tar.gz?modtime=1160408160&big_mirror=0)

If I count the folders with the items, There are 19 solutions of .vcproj files that must be made? I don't know so if somebody can help.

Kinda regards if you maybe generate the .vcproj for every solution.

6th February 2008, 17:06
Is it a Qt-project with .pro files?

6th February 2008, 18:39
Yes, in every folder there is a .pro file, but when I want to make the .vcproj files, it says it can't find the MAKEFILE even when I did the qmake -project ect ect.

And when I do the qmake -project it generates a file without the name, it just generates .pro with no name.

6th February 2008, 18:50
You shouldn't run "qmake -project" if you already have a .pro file. "qmake -project" is used to generate an initial .pro file when you have no .pro file at all. After that, you run qmake without "-project" to generate makefiles (or Visual Studio project files). What has happened is that you accidentally destroyed the original .pro file because you ran "qmake -project". You might want to start all over again by restoring the original .pro file and running qmake without "-project" switch.

6th February 2008, 20:11
Just to add to that. If you want to create a visual studio project from a qmake project, run "qmake -tp vc". If your qmake supports it, it will generate a proper vs project.

7th February 2008, 19:09
Thanks for the help everyone but the project has too many errors to resolve.