View Full Version : Compling qt 4 porject

15th February 2008, 04:09
Hello All,

I am used to qt3.3.6 version on suse linux 10.3, but now i have installed qt4.3.3 there is a lot of changes in qt4. So how do i complie the ui files. Since in qt3 we had our code in .h files how do we include the ui in the .cpp file.

Can any one help in the process to be followed in creating sample project for which i will be very much thankful.

K. Babu

15th February 2008, 04:20
I am used to qt3.3.6 version on suse linux 10.3, but now i have installed qt4.3.3 there is a lot of changes in qt4. So how do i complie the ui files. Since in qt3 we had our code in .h files how do we include the ui in the .cpp file.

Can any one help in the process to be followed in creating sample project for which i will be very much thankful.

Gopala Krishna
16th February 2008, 14:58
Hello All,

I am used to qt3.3.6 version on suse linux 10.3, but now i have installed qt4.3.3 there is a lot of changes in qt4. So how do i complie the ui files. Since in qt3 we had our code in .h files how do we include the ui in the .cpp file.

Have a look at http://doc.trolltech.com/latest/designer-manual.html

Can any one help in the process to be followed in creating sample project for which i will be very much thankful.

K. Babu

http://doc.trolltech.com/latest/qmake-manual.html (http://doc.trolltech.com/latest/designer-manual.html)