View Full Version : QPushButton with image - text alignment

19th February 2008, 04:07
Is it possible (Qt 4.4) to have QPushButton with image, but with text below or above the image using code, css, ... ?

19th February 2008, 07:38
At least it's possible with QToolButton.

19th February 2008, 14:08
Yeah, you are right about that, but toolbutton has 1-2px of (image/text) translation - pushbutton doesn't (which i prefer and need). is it possible to disable this translation using css (so that when i press toolbutton it is rendered without image/text translation)?

1st July 2009, 19:20
I sher the same need to have Icon above text - though I did not understood what you meant by - but toolbutton has 1-2px of (image/text) translation. Can you explained or point me where I can read about that.