View Full Version : Window colour

26th February 2008, 13:22
Hi all
Can any body tell me how to add colour in windows. i need 2 change the colour of windows to red from default. but im not able 2 do.

Thank you all

26th February 2008, 13:24
You mean the background? Make sure the autoFillBackground property of the widget is set to true and set a colour of your choice as QPalette::Background role of the widget's palette.

27th February 2008, 04:38
Ya autoFillBackground is set as True. i also added
ui.CancelButton->setBackgroundRole((QPalette::ColorRole)Qt::red ); in constructor as i need cancelButton as red. But nothing is working. Can u plz tell me how to colour the window.

Thank you.

27th February 2008, 06:18
QPalette palette;
QBrush brush(QColor(255, 255, 255, 255));
palette.setBrush(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, brush); /*It is for Widget Base Background*/
QBrush brush1(QColor(255, 0,0, 255));
palette.setBrush(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window, brush1);/*It is for widget Background*/
palette.setBrush(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Base, brush);
palette.setBrush(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window, brush1);
palette.setBrush(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Base, brush1);
palette.setBrush(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Window, brush1);
then Make sure the autoFillBackground property of the widget is set to true.
hope this help!

27th February 2008, 07:53
in constructor as i need cancelButton as red.

Oh... a "red push button" issue :) You'll have to use stylesheets for that ( background-color: red; ).

27th February 2008, 08:39
I ve solved the problem.

Thank you all .

27th February 2008, 09:08
HI all.
I ve changed the colour of window by usning the code

QPalette p( this->palette());
p.setColor( QPalette::Window, QColor(Qt::black));

now i need to check the window colour. if it is black i need 2 change it to gray and vice versa. i Tried to do as below but its not working

if(QMainWindow::backgroundRole() == Qt::black)
QPalette p( this->palette());
p.setColor( QPalette::Window, QColor(Qt::gray));

But its not coming inside if loop.
Can any body help me.
thank you all.

27th February 2008, 09:13
Read what QWidget::backgroundRole does. It returns a role, not a colour.

27th February 2008, 09:13
QWidget::backroundRole() returns QPalette::ColorRole. It makes no sense to compare it to Qt::GlobalColor.

if (palette().color(Qt::Window) == Qt::black)

27th February 2008, 10:39
I tried to do like following.

if(palette.color(QPalette::Window) == Qt::black)
still its not coming inside, but it showd come inside as the windows colour is black.

Then what to do Mr Wysota.? can u plz help me.


27th February 2008, 10:46
Have a boolean flag instead of checking the colour.

27th February 2008, 11:01
Have a boolean flag instead of checking the colour.

Thank for the Reply.:) Actually my requirment is if i run my programm the back grond colour of the system should change to gray including the IDE colour. But in my case only output window colour is getting changed.:(

Can u plz help me, how to do this.

27th February 2008, 11:12
You won't be able to change colours of other applications using Qt code.

27th February 2008, 11:23
You won't be able to change colours of other applications using Qt code.

Actully in MFC it can be done by using SetSysColor(). i need to know is there any replacment for this in Qt.

27th February 2008, 11:25
As I said, you won't be able to modify the behaviour of other applications using Qt code. SetSysColor() is not an MFC method, it's WinAPI function, so you can call it from Qt-based applications as well.

27th February 2008, 11:41
As I said, you won't be able to modify the behaviour of other applications using Qt code. SetSysColor() is not an MFC method, it's WinAPI function, so you can call it from Qt-based applications as well.

Can u plz tell me an example how to call Win32 API in Qt.


27th February 2008, 11:58
Just call the function :)

27th February 2008, 12:05
I tried to call like

quint32 m_ColourElement = COLOR_3DDKSHADOW;
quint32 m_ColourNight = RGB(100, 100, 100);
SetSysColors(16, m_ColourElement, m_ColourDay);

But getting erors.

27th February 2008, 12:10
What kind of errors?

27th February 2008, 12:40
Can u plz tell me an example how to call Win32 API in Qt.
Qt is not a programming language but a library.

I tried to call like

quint32 m_ColourElement = COLOR_3DDKSHADOW;
quint32 m_ColourNight = RGB(100, 100, 100);
SetSysColors(16, m_ColourElement, m_ColourDay);

But getting erors.
Perhaps you should read SetSysColors() (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724940(VS.85).aspx) docs...

27th February 2008, 13:19
What kind of errors?

mainwindow.cpp(33) : error C2065: 'COLOR_3DDKSHADOW' : undeclared identifier
.\mainwindow.cpp(34) : error C3861: 'RGB': identifier not found
.\mainwindow.cpp(35) : error C2065: 'm_ColourDay' : undeclared identifier
.\mainwindow.cpp(35) : error C3861: 'SetSysColors': identifier not found

Theses error.

27th February 2008, 13:19
mainwindow.cpp(33) : error C2065: 'COLOR_3DDKSHADOW' : undeclared identifier
.\mainwindow.cpp(34) : error C3861: 'RGB': identifier not found
.\mainwindow.cpp(35) : error C2065: 'm_ColourDay' : undeclared identifier
.\mainwindow.cpp(35) : error C3861: 'SetSysColors': identifier not found
As I said, read SetSysColors() (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724940(VS.85).aspx) docs. Look at the bottom where it says "Header".

28th February 2008, 04:28
What kind of errors?

Im getting following errors.

.\mainwindow.cpp(33) : error C2065: 'COLOR_3DDKSHADOW' : undeclared identifier
.\mainwindow.cpp(35) : error C3861: 'SetSysColors': identifier not found

Thank you.

28th February 2008, 05:32
Qt is not a programming language but a library.

Perhaps you should read SetSysColors() (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724940(VS.85).aspx) docs...

quint32 m_ColourElement = COLOR_3DDKSHADOW;
quint32 m_ColourNight = qRgb(100, 100, 100);
SetSysColors(16, m_ColourElement, m_ColourNight);

Is it right?

28th February 2008, 06:25
Is it right?
No, it's not. First of all, where is OS_WINDOWS defined? Qt does not define such but something similar. Read QtGlobal docs what Qt defines. Secondly, you must include the header mentioned in SetSysColors() docs. Otherwise compiler doesn't know any SetSysColors() function. Thirdly, SetSysColors() doens't take parameters like that. Read SetSysColors() docs what type of parameters it takes.