View Full Version : Is there a known problem with QMimeData on Mac OS X?

27th February 2008, 10:04
It seems, that QMimeData on Mac OSX (Qt 4.2.1) is a little bit confused when the clipboard holds multiple formats. When select & copy a whole webpage in different browsers (I tried Safari, Camino, Firefox and Opera), then it shows me, that there are multiple clipboard-formats of type "text/plain".

Here is the relevant part of my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <Qt/qtextedit.h>
#include <Qt/qtextdocumentfragment.h>
#include <Qt/qmimedata.h>

class MyTextEdit : public QTextEdit
void insertFromMimeData(const QMimeData *source);

void MyTextEdit::insertFromMimeData(const QMimeData *source)
if (!source)

QStringList formats = source->formats();
for(int i = 0; i < formats.size(); ++ i) {
std::cerr << "Mime Format: " << formats.at(i).toStdString() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "source->hasHtml(): " << source->hasHtml() << std::endl;
// ... insert here the real body

Now I open some webpage in the browser, on the keyboard I type <Apple>A and <Apple>C (which corresponds to Ctrl-A / Ctrl-C on Windows/Linux) and then <Apple>V in my widget.

Depending on the browser I see:
Browser Camino:
Mime Format: text/plain
Mime Format: text/plain
source->hasHtml(): 0

Mime Format: text/plain
Mime Format: text/plain
source->hasHtml(): 0

Safari: (note, that I get three times text/html)
Mime Format: text/plain
Mime Format: text/plain
Mime Format: text/plain
source->hasHtml(): 0

Mime Format: text/plain
Mime Format: text/plain
source->hasHtml(): 0

On Linux I get a lot of different formats, for example Firefox shows this output:
Mime Format: TIMESTAMP
Mime Format: TARGETS
Mime Format: MULTIPLE
Mime Format: text/html
Mime Format: text/_moz_htmlcontext
Mime Format: text/_moz_htmlinfo
Mime Format: UTF8_STRING
Mime Format: text/plain
Mime Format: TEXT
Mime Format: STRING
Mime Format: text/x-moz-url-priv
source->hasHtml(): 1

And with Opear I see this
Mime Format: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Mime Format: text/plain;charset=ISO-10646-UCS-2
Mime Format: text/plain
Mime Format: text/plain;charset=iso8859-1
Mime Format: UTF8_STRING
Mime Format: TEXT
Mime Format: STRING
Mime Format: TARGETS
Mime Format: MULTIPLE
Mime Format: TIMESTAMP
source->hasHtml(): 0

Similar different mime types can be seen with other browsers on Linux and Windows too.

No I am wondering, why all those four Browsers on OSX add multiple times a mime type of text/plain into the buffer whereas the same browsers use different types on Linux. I do not care for the number of different formats, I am just wondering why I get multiple text/plain.

Is this a known bug or is there a need for some special handling of the class QMimeData on OSX?


27th February 2008, 10:09
Is this a known bug or is there a need for some special handling of the class QMimeData on OSX?

I suggest you check the tasktracker.

27th February 2008, 10:22
I suggest you check the tasktracker.

When searching for QMimeData I did not find anything which smells similar :confused:

27th February 2008, 10:37
Try upgrading your Qt installation (4.3.4 is the latest stable release).

27th February 2008, 16:22
Try upgrading your Qt installation (4.3.4 is the latest stable release).

The duples are gone. Now I see just one plain/text entry in the clipboard. This does not really solve my problem, since I would like to get the html-source similar to the other two platforms.

I do not know how the textedit application (distributed with Mac OSX) handles it, but this programm is able to receive the html-code from at least safari with the same sequence of <Apple>A/<Apple>C and <Apple>V in the textedit window. It looks a little bit like garbage, but it contains links (and this is what I would like to get).

27th February 2008, 17:46
On my mac i use.....

qmake -v
QMake version 2.01a
Using Qt version 4.4.0-snapshot-20070608 in /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.4.0-snapshot-20070608/lib

and its run OK

try to build

only append text plain ...

void QVimedit::insertFromMimeData ( const QMimeData * source )

//////////qDebug() << "### insertFromMimeData 2 ";

if ( source->hasImage() ) {
const QString nuovaim = QString("%2/image_%1.png").arg(numerobase).arg(QDir::homePath());
QImage images = qvariant_cast<QImage>(source->imageData());
bool salvato = images.save(nuovaim,"PNG",100);
//////////////////qDebug() << "### salvato 1/0 " << salvato;
emit TakeImage(nuovaim); /* and remove nuovaim */


if ( source->formats().contains("text/html") ) {
////////qDebug() << "### incomming paste text/html ";
const QString tidicaches = QString("%2/.qtidy/").arg(QDir::homePath());
QString draghtml = source->html();
/* fwriteutf8(QString fullFileName,QString xml) */
QTidy *tidy = new QTidy(); /* QTidy *tidy; */
tidy->Init(tidicaches); /* tidy cache remove on last event */
const QString xhtmlnew = tidy->TidyExternalHtml(draghtml);
QTextDocumentFragment fragment = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(xhtmlnew);
emit IncommingHTML();

27th February 2008, 19:29
Patrick, how is the code you pasted related to the problem? The guy just said his QMimeData doesn't contain "text/html", so why the hell do you paste code which runs some tidy clone on html code? How is that relevant?

27th February 2008, 22:17
How is that relevant?

It helps me a little bit. I see now, that the Clipboard on OSX can hold text/plain and text/html at the same time and that Qt/Mac (even Qt 4.2.1) and my code work as expected. So it seems that I have to ask at the project pages of the relevant browsers.

27th February 2008, 22:21
I see now, that the Clipboard on OSX can hold text/plain and text/html at the same time and that Qt/Mac and my code work as expected. So it seems that I have to ask at the project pages of the relevant browsers.

Have you seen the "dropsite" example (or demo) bundled with Qt? It's useful for testing mime-types of dragged objects and dragging and pasting from clipboard is using the same technique (you can probably even modify the example to react on pasting as well). And you can see what mime-types are created when you drag data from these applications.