View Full Version : Find a Tab

28th February 2008, 09:57
I wrote this function that add an alarm if it don't exist yet in my Qtabwidget twAlarms but I have a problem with the function child()...infact the object alm of Alarm1 or Alarm2 (both inherits from QWidget) is empty so I can't compare correctly with the alarm that I try to add (see the line: if ( (alarm->getTrackId() == alm->getTrackId()) && (alarm->getType()==alm->getType()) ) )


Whole code of the function:

void addAlarmToList (CAlarmMessage * alarm){
bool found = false;

//Find if the alarm just exist int the list
int count = twAlarms->count();
for (int i = count-1; i >= 0; i--) {
QVBox * tab = (QVBox *) twAlarms->page(i);
if ( !strcmp(twAlarms->label(i).latin1(),"Alarm Type 1") ) {
Alarm1 * alm = (Alarm1 *) tab->child("Alarm Type 1");
if ( (alarm->getTrackId() == alm->getTrackId()) && (alarm->getType()==alm->getType()) )
found = true;
else {
Alarm2 * alm = (Alarm2 *) tab->child("Alarm Type 2");
if ( (alarm->getTrackId() == alm->getTrackId()) && (alarm->getType()==alm->getType()) )
found = true;

if (!found) {
//Add Alarm to Alarms List
QVBox * newTab = new QVBox( twAlarms, "tab" );
QFont newTab_font( newTab->font() );
newTab_font.setBold( false );
newTab->setFont( newTab_font );

if ( (alarm->getType() == AL_TC_2_2)) {
Alarm1 * alm = new Alarm1(alarm, HIL, newTab);
connect(alm, SIGNAL(buttonClicked()), this, SLOT(alarmSent()));
twAlarms->addTab( newTab, QString::fromLatin1("Alarm Type 1") );
twAlarms->showPage( newTab );

} else
if (alarm->getType()== AL_TU_2 || alarm->getType()== AL_TU_3) {
Alarm2 * alm = new Alarm2(alarm, HIL, newTab);
connect(alm, SIGNAL(buttonClicked()), this, SLOT(alarmConfirm()));
twAlarms->addTab( newTab, QString::fromLatin1("Alarm Type 2") );
twAlarms->showPage( newTab );

28th February 2008, 14:01
you are not breaking out of the for loop when you find the Alarm you are looking for.
So the loop goes all the way until the last 'i', and if the last 'i' is not Alarm2, then you get "not found".