View Full Version : finding dynamically create object

5th March 2008, 19:46

I think that I should know this, but I don't. It might not be a Qt question, but maybe it is, so here I go.

I created QTableWidgetItems dynamically and inserted them into a QTableWidget using a for loop. For some of these QTableWidgetItems, i added a QToolTip like below:


I am now required to put all of this into an XML file, and it is easy to get the information from the qtablewidgets, but I am not sure how to reference the QToolTip that I made earlier to get the text from it. Can someone tell me how to do this, assuming it is possible?Does this make sense?

Thanks for your time, yet again.

5th March 2008, 20:12
You can access the tooltip set with QTableWidgetItem::toolTip() (or QWidget::toolTip() for widgets).

5th March 2008, 21:17
Wow, I was definetly making a mountain out of a mole hill there. Thanks!