View Full Version : Please help me-->How can i remove " no new line at the end of the file " warning !!

10th March 2008, 13:30
Hello! friends,
I designed a simple GUI to get comfortable with Qt4, but when i compiled it to get .exe i got this warning for every file like for sample.h, sample.cpp n all. As shown below are the warnings: -

sample.h:16:7: warning: no new line at the end of file
sample.cpp:9:2: warning: no new line at the end of file

Here is my sample.h file

#ifndef SAMPLE_H
#define SAMPLE_H

#include "ui_sample.h"

class mySample : public QWidget, private Ui::Form

mySample(QWidget *parent = 0);



Can anyone please help me in removing them?

I will be obliged if helped. Thanks in advance.:)

10th March 2008, 17:51
You should add a new blank line at the end of every file.