View Full Version : Webcam USB under Windows with qt4

12th March 2008, 18:52
Does anyone know which librarys i can use to scan the USB-Ports under Windows and find out how many cameras are connected and to grab their images with DirectShow?:confused:

16th March 2008, 08:42
I'm looking into that same subject myself.
What I have found so far is as follows:

1. Windows Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms867188.aspx

2. Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms630368.aspx

I have the USB Design by Example book which has a chapter on DirectShow and USBCams - so I'm looking at that.

17th March 2008, 10:53
you could try openCV. I don't remember the project website, but you can google it :)

18th March 2008, 00:10
I was wondering this too but where it was cross platform also.