View Full Version : Sending Mail with attachment files

13th March 2008, 18:42
Hi All,

I need to send a mail with attachment files(more than one) through my own program.

I didn't get any reference in the web for attaching files.

Anybody help me ...:)


Joy A

13th March 2008, 19:44
Of course there is no particular facility in Qt for doing that. You have to do it all manually which implies:

finding out what the users preferred email client is
what arguments you have to pass to it to in order to attach a file to it (if possible at all)
start the email client with the mentioned arguments using QProcess::startDetached.Alternatively you can write your own little email client as part of your application ...

14th March 2008, 08:51
You could use some library like http://pocoproject.org/poco/info/.