View Full Version : Qmake DLLDESTDIR, Visual Studio "clean solution"

17th March 2008, 17:54

I have a .pro containing a "DLLDESTDIR" statement. The .pro generates a visual studio .vcproj.

When my solution built, the DLL are copied into DLLDESTDIR, which is fine. But they are not deleted when doing a "Clean solution". QMAKE_CLEAN and QMAKE_DISTCLEAN won't work with VS (I have 4.3.2).

Is there a direct solution for this problem, or a workaround (can I tell the .pro to generate a vcproj that calls a batch script when the clean command is executed)?

17th March 2008, 20:48
Perhaps QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS does the trick:

clean.files = ... # might need to put something here, otherwise the target gets skipped
clean.commands = ... # here's the custom clean stuff

17th March 2008, 20:54
Just tried, and it seems that it is not generated into the vcproj file too... :(

18th March 2008, 11:24
How would you run extra targets within Visual Studio anyway? Did you tried from command line with plain nmake?

18th March 2008, 12:14
Well that's what I am asking at the same time... is there a way to run this from Studio (any hooks or something)? I bet not...