View Full Version : QPixmap designer property not showing up

15th March 2006, 19:32

I have a custom plugin for designer which allows the user to select a pixmap, like QLabel does.
The behaviour I get when using it is as follows:
- I click on the property and the images/resources dialog opens.
- I choose an image (either direct or from a resouce file)
- The image gets added to the image combobox next to my property in the propety view, but it is not selected in the combobox.
If I try to select it, once I click on it, the combobox closes with <no pixmap>.

In order to make sure the problem is not the image or a problem with the resource file, I do the same on the same form with a QLabel, and it accepts the image with no problems.

I have no problem using the set and get methods I exposed in my property in code, there it works.

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong, or not doing right?
Any suggestions are welocme.


I am aware this is about a plugin for designer, but I am quite sure the problem is a programming problem...

15th March 2006, 19:56
I solved the problem, it had to do with another thing in my project.