View Full Version : Double Buffering for plot graphs

20th March 2008, 13:10
I new to Qt tool.I have written a program to plot a graph using double Buffer concept.I got the plot graph.But i have problem with this Function.
That name is adjust Axis();

void PlotSettings::adjustAxis(double &min, double &max,
int &numTicks)
const int MinTicks = 4;
double grossStep = (max - min) / MinTicks;
double step = pow(10.0, floor(log10(grossStep)));

if (5 * step < grossStep) {
step *= 5;
} else if (2 * step < grossStep) {
step *= 2;

numTicks = int(ceil(max / step) - floor(min / step));
if (numTicks < MinTicks)
numTicks = MinTicks;
min = floor(min / step) * step;
max = ceil(max / step) * step;

i copied this code from QT Gui programming Book.How it works i didn't understand.So could you tell me brief discussion About...
Thank you......
