View Full Version : QProcess+mPlayer+Aspect Ratio

22nd March 2008, 03:14
Hi all. I happy visit this great Forum.
I have a question:
I use this example for playing Video

QX11EmbedContainer *container=new QX11EmbedContainer(this);
QProcess *mp=new QProcess(container);
connect(mp, SIGNAL(finished(int)),this, SLOT(endPlay(int)));
QString command=" -wid "+QString::number(container->winId())+" -slave "+playfile;
mp->start("mplayer "+command);

It plays good, but it is allways Ignored aspect ratio.
Any video which plays are shows as 5:4 ratio same that setGeomerty set.
How enable 4:3 ratio as allways play?
Thank you for replays.
PS: Sorry for my bad English.