View Full Version : Increase the height of titlebar, ...

22nd March 2008, 05:00
Please help me how to increase the height of titlebar (of mainwindow), toolbar, & statusbar because the height is very small.


22nd March 2008, 08:00
The title bar of a main window is handled by the underlying window manager. So, you should change your desktop settings.

As for the toolbar, you can insert a custom widget and put all your toolbar controls in it. The widget should have a layout and you could control its size with the layout margins and/or spacing, if not with setFixedSize/setMinimumSize.

For a status bar I think is a different thing.

23rd March 2008, 11:28
Any examples with QMenuBar please. I need implement it to develop a interface same as Office 2007.
And how to increase the height of QMenuBar.