View Full Version : Warning: QObject::connect: Connecting from XXX to COMPAT slot (YYY)

24th March 2008, 16:34
QObject::connect: Connecting from QGroupBox::toggled(bool) to COMPAT slot (QSlider::setShown(bool))
Do I need to worry about this warning? The connection works anyway, but I don't understand if i am doing something wrong or Qt is at fault here. I simply connected a QGroupBox's toggled(bool) with a child QWidget's setVisible(bool) in designer.


BTW: I am using qt-win-opensource-src-4.3.4 with VC++

24th March 2008, 16:44
Notice that it's warning about QWidget::setShown(), not about QWidget::setVisible(). :) QWidget::setShown() is a Qt3 support member so you should consider using QWidget::setVisible() instead...

24th March 2008, 16:59
That simple, huh?