View Full Version : Qt4 minimal

27th March 2008, 23:19

I need to use only the UI capabilities of Qt4 (namely QWizard and the standard widgets, no sql, ...) but I cannot install or compile Qt4 on the destination OS, so I need to ship libQt*.so files with the binary along with all the /usr/lib dependencies.
The default compilation has too many dependencies that I need to satisfy, this is a problem in size (kb), so my question is: what would be the typical "./configure -no-*" arguments for a minimal dependencies libqt4* setup ?

Thanks in advance,

27th March 2008, 23:38
It really depends wha tyou need. You may search the forum, the issue has been brought a couple of times. Searching for "qconfig" might be a good thing to start with. As for general rules, I tend to disable exceptions, stl, rtti and unused widget styles. I also use a tool such as upx to further reduce the size of the binary, especially if I compile in static mode.