View Full Version : context of opengl is changing on mac os x

2nd April 2008, 11:00

I am drawing a 3D object using QGLWidget. It is working properly on windows but when I tried it on Mac OS it is not showing me my object. It just displays the window.

While investigating this issue, I found that initializeGL() is getting called whenever a widget needs to be redrawn. I think that it is because of change in context.

Can you tell me when context changes on mac os x? Or how to create and set a proper context for mac os x?

Please let me know as early as possible because I am facing this problem from last 2 weeks.

Thanks in advance.


4th April 2008, 12:25
I am also facing the same problem on Linux.
Whenever the widget is redrawn,initializeGL() is called.
initializeGL() is called only once or when context is changing.
so it seems that its context is changing whenever it redraws.

so can anyone tell me how to set the context or how to tell not to change the context.
