View Full Version : Ignoring "editingFinished" when closing application

10th April 2008, 16:00

I have an application that contains a QLineEdit and a slot that recives "editingFinished" from this QLineEdit.
When closing the application using "X" button, the signal is emmited and the slot is called. In this case I want to ignore this signal. Is it possible?


10th April 2008, 18:30

I don't exactly know if it will work, but try

QApplication a(argc, argv);
a.connect(&a, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), yourMainClass, SLOT(yourQuitSlot()));

and look if you can disconnect the connection from your QLineEdit bevor "editingFinished" is emitted.


10th April 2008, 18:37

Don't think would work because the focus of QLineEdit is lost(producing editFinished) before the close signal is emmited.


10th April 2008, 18:52
Override closeEvent() of the window and call QObject::blockSignals(true) on the line edit.

10th April 2008, 23:03

Thanks, works perfectly.

15th April 2008, 16:40

I have another problem:
When I change the application using the mouse or Alt+Tab:
The QLineEdit let's me introduce a code. This code is used as index to get information from a QList. If I have no text on the QLineEdit and change the application, the QLineEdit emits a finishEdit signal that tries to index the QList, and as it don't find the code, I make a QMessageBox that show that the "Code introduced" is not valid. This QMessageBox is showed many times until the application hangs.

I use this approach because I want a step by step application(without QWizard), that the first step is to get the information indexed by the code introduced.
