View Full Version : playing mplayer within a Qwidget in windows environment

15th April 2008, 06:06
:(i am trying for play mplayer within a qwidget in windows environment.

qxmp a mplayer developed in qt4 for linux & unix.

problum is windows qt4 not support QX11EmbedContainer .

qxmp a mplayer for linux & unix

QX11EmbedContainer *container=new QX11EmbedContainer(ui.frame);

command=otherOptions+mplayerOptions+" -wid "+QString::number(container->winId())+" -zoom -vf scale="+QString::number(w)+":"+QString::number(h)+" -slave "+playfile;

mp->start("mplayer "+command);

another way is
void VistaVideoMedia:: playMplayer()
QWidget *player;
player =new QWidget(0);
mp=new QProcess(0);
player ->setGeometry(0,0,500,400);//this set the geometry of player
QString program = "mplayer";
QStringList argu;

argu<< "-fs" <<"-cache"<<"45231"<< "-slave" << "-wid"<<QString ::number(player->winId()) <<"-playlist"<<"playlist.txt";


problum come in this i cannot pass media id.

if you have any idea told me.

thanks in advance

15th April 2008, 07:43
Is this same prob as -

seems u two are one people or working in same company :D

15th April 2008, 12:45
working in same company

but you say nothing about problum solution

15th April 2008, 15:10
probably u didnt read that thread completely.
There was advised to look for Phonon in upcoming 4.4 + version of Qt.

16th April 2008, 05:33
i read it but problum is we cannot use windows media player because it not support all type of media.

so i want use MPlayer.
Phonon is used for windows media player

18th April 2008, 11:11
i solve it ...............

i play mplayer in qwidget in windows o/s................