View Full Version : Accessing videostream in Phonon

15th April 2008, 11:51

I have a videostream, which is displayed properly by the Phonon VideoPlayer and VideoWidget.

Now I need to access the Pixeldata of every frame of this stream.
Does anybody know, if there is some kind of "bitblt" method or something similar, where I could access the Pixeldata of every frame? I don't know if I have to look for such a function in the MediaObject class or the VideoPlayer/VideoWidget classes.

Maybe somebody knows how to do this, or could give me a hint...


15th April 2008, 23:20
I think you need to provide your own Sink for the stream. Just don't ask me how to do that - I have no idea... I haven't played with Phonon yet.

16th April 2008, 09:53
I think I'll write an email to the phonon developer. He should know IF it's possible and if so, what you have to do to access the pixeldata of every frame in an videostream.

I think there should be some other people, who would need such a function, so I will update this thread if there are any news.


4th June 2008, 12:34
Did you have any success? If yes how did you do it?