View Full Version : events not dispatched in GUI thread

18th April 2008, 16:44
consider the following scenario:

I've got a thread SenderA that emit a signal is some circumstances.
I've got a QWidget subclass with a slot SlotReceiverFromSenderA connected
to SenderA signal.
Since the signal and the slot lives in two thread (SenderA and GUI thread) signals are posted as events.
Now if i show the widget and exec the application i see the SlotReceiverFromSenderA being called every time the SenderA emits its signal, but if i left click on the title bar of the widget the slot is never called anymore. Signals are queued but are not processed until i release the mouse button.

How to avoid this situation ? Why this happens ?
Thank you in advance.

i cannot use QCoreApplication::processEvents to force processing of events.
This happens on Windows platform, Linux seems not be affected from this behavior

18th April 2008, 18:11
This is a known issue with Windows.