View Full Version : how to display images in mosaic format?

23rd April 2008, 10:15
how to create and display Tile Geotiff (mosaic format)

23rd April 2008, 11:40
As there's no plugin for this available (at least none I'm aware of) you have to write your own QImageIOHandler (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qimageiohandler.html) where you have to do loading by yourself.
Because geotiff is similar to tiff maybe it's worth trying if you can load it as simple tiff file.

23rd April 2008, 11:47
I already have developed a pluggin that supports all the raster formats(tif,dted,...) to display.
Now I am trying for some method to display more than one images on one widget in a mosaic view.

23rd April 2008, 11:50
Is there any available concept of mosaicing multiple images(geotif) in Qt or simply in C++ before displaying???

I'm using libgdal function calls in Qt to display the images. Now I'm stuck in the middle how to proceed in CREATING and DISPLAYING TILED Geotiff.:(

23rd April 2008, 11:56
Currently I've no idea other than
a) creating one big image with all tilces
b) overwrite QWidget::paintEvent() and paint the tiles the way you like it

23rd April 2008, 12:02
Has anybody got to see any samples of mosacing concept???

23rd April 2008, 12:24
I don't understand what you're missing - why can't you simply paint your images one to each other onto your QLabel? What else needs to be done?

23rd April 2008, 12:38
what I'm missing is combine multiple tiled geotiff images into one Image(QImage) and display.

23rd April 2008, 12:39
I need to create tiled image from multiple images.

23rd April 2008, 12:39
Create a new QImage and paint on it with QPainter

23rd April 2008, 12:53
Sorry, It is not as simple.Since it is GIS map I'm expecting for a solution to merge more than one images into a single image and display .
Merging is the problem(based on lat/lon) .it needs to merged.

Thank you for your suggestion

23rd April 2008, 12:54
Sorry, It is not as simple.Since it is GIS map, I'm expecting for a solution to merge more than one images into a single image and display .
Merging is the problem(based on lat/lon).

Tiling concept is available in gdal . The proper sequential use of it in Qt is what now I'm looking forward.

Thank you for your suggestion

23rd April 2008, 13:00
I don't see what this has to do with Qt but ...

24th April 2008, 06:23
As I told you before stitching more than one Image into a single image before displaying is what I need to do with Qt.

Any function is available to append a QImage type to another QImage type and to display as single image.(without any space in between).

24th April 2008, 06:41
Why cnt u make a function yourself ?

or may be QImage::bitBlt might be useful to u ?