View Full Version : Image format without bounding rect

30th April 2008, 15:29
I note that some image format such as .png and .gif have not a bounding rect(not all kind of images in this format has not a bounding rect).....

How can i give them one bounding rect?
I import them such QImage file, then I resized them and use the static function QPixmap::fromImage() to transform them into Qpixmap object.....

30th April 2008, 20:24
What do u mean a bounding rect for an image ??

if u mean border, u can use frame and set its border width to give effect of bounding rect ;)

am i getting u right ?

30th April 2008, 20:45
I'm talking about the the bounding rect of a QGraphicsItem that is always rectangular.....

For example I instantiate a QgraphicsPixmapItem Object and associate to it a QPixmap.....so with some images, the bounding rect doesn't exist(it isn't rectangular but it follows the image shape.....)

30th April 2008, 20:50
How do u know it is not rectangular ?
can we see the code ??

also are u using the shape() function ?

30th April 2008, 21:21
I understand the problem.................

In my implementation i use the manhattanhlength to understand how near i am to a point.

Now, I calculate this distance, only and only if the item is selected and the mouse is moving over the item.....

Every Item has a rectangular bounding rect, so the problem isn't the bounding rect.

I find out that the mouse can be into a bounding rect without to be into an item......

/*Calculate the distance*/

30th April 2008, 22:25
(:eek::eek:problem drawing the next image....:eek::eek:)

-------> -----------------
| |
| X |
| _______ |
| | | |
| | | |
| |______| |
| |
| |

In this case, the mouseEvent->scenePos() is the X on the print.
The call itemAt(X) return 0, because no item is under the mouse cursor....
How can i do, to have the item returned by the function itemAt in this case???