View Full Version : excessive/non GUI use of signals and slots

2nd May 2008, 01:45

I am writing some neural network stuff.
I was thinking that it might be a good way to connect nodes in networks via "cables"(containing some function) with slot/signal connections at both ends.
This would be a good basis for random combinations/variations and stuff like that.
Initially, this seemed to work, but as I increased the number of connections slightly, the program just stopped and gave me a:

Process terminated with status -1073741819

I am now wondering, whether there is a limit of the signals and slots one can connect at a time. My program crashed when there were about 1000 slots connected.
However, up to slightly below 1000 (like 950), it seems to work completely effortlessly.
The other possibility is that I have some memory miss-management (googeling the above error indicates so). I am fairly new to C++.

However, the transition from "it works in a millisecond", to "it crashes" when increasing the number of connections by 5% puzzles me.

Has anyone got any experience with the excessive use (several hundred thousands would be nice) of slot/signal connections?

any help greatly appreciated,


2nd May 2008, 06:00
Use a debugger to figure out where it crashed. Perhaps it is just a race condition in your code somewhere. Pretty much impossible to tell what's going on otherwise..