View Full Version : ADO.NET qsqldriver?

3rd May 2008, 14:07
Has anyone attempted to build an ADO.NET QSqlDriver class? (Or even an OLEDB driver?) The QODBC driver is quite limited (just check it's hasFeature() method) and the TDS driver isn't available with the open source version of Qt.
Is an ADO.NET QSqlDriver a violation of the GPL? Even it's compiled as a plugin? I thought that you could use closed source plugins with an open source application. What if the plugin is used in-house only and never released? Since the GPL is a distribution license does it apply if you don't distribute?
Or is it possible to write a Microsoft Sql Server specific QODBC plugin that supports features like QuerySize, NamedPlaceholders, and LastInsertId.

I have searched high and low and have found no discussion on this at all. Maybe I'm way off base here but it would be nice to know that the code I write works equally well using MySql as when I use MS-SQL.

5th May 2008, 01:37
Unfortunately, when people think of SQL Server access they think ODBC. Even where I work DSN's prevail. Frankly I hate them. ODBC is a slow middle man and full of bugs that will never be fixed as MS don't support it anymore.

I'm quite keen to write an ADO adapter for Qt.
Anyone out there interested in starting on OS project to do it?

5th May 2008, 03:38
Count me in for helping out with an ADO driver. But how would the licensing work?

Once my current project gets finished and if no one has started this thing I'll see if I can get it off the ground.

Anyways, yes, if could get rid of dealing with ODBC forever I'd be very very happy. :p

5th May 2008, 10:12
Dunno, maybe linking against ADO might require that distribution of the driver also requires distribution of the ADO source code. Will have do some reading

9th May 2008, 17:04
I'm still very interested in writing this driver at some point but I have overdue deadlines I need to complete.

In the mean time i'm trying to solve my specific ODBC problems here (http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/f-qt-programming-2/t-qodbc-qsqltablemodel-and-submit-problems-13487-post70204.html#post70204).