View Full Version : QDialog inside QWizardPage

9th May 2008, 05:40

I have QDialog that I want to put inside a QWizardPage, is this possible? I have tried testing it QDialog won't stay inside the wizard page . Is there any way I can manage to put this dialog inside the page?

#include "wizard.h"

Wizard::Wizard(QWidget* parent)
addPage(new firstPage(this));

void Wizard::accept(void)

firstPage::firstPage(QWidget* parent)
setTitle(tr("Class Information"));
setSubTitle(tr("Specify basic information about the class for which you "
"want to generate skeleton source code files."));
QHBoxLayout* lo = new QHBoxLayout();
QDialog* dialog = new QDialog(this);

lo->addWidget(dialog);// i thought this will bring the dialog in the page
dialog->show(); // i tried bypassing this but I can't see the dialog

QHBoxLayout* dlo = new QHBoxLayout(dialog);
QPushButton* btn = new QPushButton("Aha",dialog);


this is my test code


9th May 2008, 07:28
Why would you want to add a dialog inside a QWizard? Dialogs are top level widgets by default, so embedding them into other widgets is not trivial. Nevertheless since 4.0 I don't see why anyone would want to do it...