View Full Version : reading writing qimage / qbitmap to and from memory

13th May 2008, 09:56

I am displaying an animation by generating qimages and qbitmaps for the setMask() function.
To speed up animation and to avoid flicker I would like to try to store these generated qimages and qbitmaps into memory, so that I can read them back from memory once they are generated which will speed things up and hopefully avoid flicker. Each qimage has a corresponding qbitmap which will be used for setMask().

I am a bit at loss how to go about this, I looked at qimagereader/writer but I'm not sure if that is the way to go.
Could someone help me a bit on my way with this. I probably will need some kind of qiodevice. A bit of code to get me going would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Jean.

13th May 2008, 10:20

If you only want to store a list of QImages into memory, you can use a "QList<QImage>".

13th May 2008, 11:28
That's a nice idea, hadn't thought of that, thanks.