View Full Version : Drag and Drop on Whitespace of QTreeView

14th May 2008, 10:14
Hi everybody,

I read the Drag and Drop with Item views tutorial but somehow, drag drop is only working when im droping on an existing item within the treeview.

How do I drop items on the empty area within a treeview?

thx in advance,

14th May 2008, 10:29
take a look at the function where the dropaction is accepted. Their must be something e.g. that makes the invisible parent item rejecting drops (or something similar).

14th May 2008, 10:37
hmm it looks like this:

Qt::DropActions CLTLectionModel::supportedDropActions() const
return Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction;

14th May 2008, 12:25
how do i drop on the top level of my treeview? do i have to edit my custom model?

14th May 2008, 12:53
Reimplement QAbstractItemModel::flags() to return Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled (together with other flags) for invalid indexes.

14th May 2008, 13:10
Hi jpn,

my flags already contain such flags. Do you have any other idea?

Qt::ItemFlags CLTLectionModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
if (!index.isValid())
return Qt::ItemIsEnabled;

return QAbstractItemModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;

14th May 2008, 13:29
I think Qt::ItemIsEnabled for invalid items is pointless. Also, you are not returning Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled for invalid items..