View Full Version : Qt application size problem : it is very big

15th May 2008, 09:49
Hi everyone, I've a 4.3 Qt application developped under Windows. I've ported it to Mac OS and it works fine, but I've an interrogation about the size of the executable whitch is 120 Mo :eek:. I don't know really why it is toooo big. I use many frameworks but it is the cause ? Does anyone have an idea about this and can tell me how to do to mimimize the size especially I must to put the exécutable to download by clients.
Best regards.

15th May 2008, 10:23
Did u build in debug mode ??
try compiling in release mode and see the size

15th May 2008, 10:28
I forgot to indicate that, but I've compiled it in release mode and I've obtainted this size.

15th May 2008, 16:55
I forgot to indicate that, but I've compiled it in release mode and I've obtainted this size.

Static or Dynamic?

It sounds like you've inadvertantly compiled a large txt or binary file into your project. A coworker did that once by compiling a 52MB text file into an app whose executable was 545Kb.