View Full Version : QtHelp Module - registering compressed help file gives error

Ankitha Varsha
16th May 2008, 13:10

I am working with Qt4.4.0's Help Module.

I am trying to register my application specific compressed help file with the assistant by running following command.

assistant.exe -register myapp.qch

But I am getting the error "Missing collection file" !!!.

I am sure that there is nothing wrong with my compressed help file because I am able to view my help contents using Help Engine APIs.

I am trying to merge my compressed file with assistant's collection file. But I wonder why do I get this "Missing Collection file!" error.
If I dont mention -collectionFile argument while starting assistant , assistant should start by taking default collection file as far as my knowledge goes.

Can anyone tell me whats wrong?


Ankitha Varsha
16th May 2008, 14:14
In Continuation with my last message,

It is also possible to register the compessed help file after assistant is launched.
.qch file has to be registered by doing Edit->Preferences->Documentation

This works fine and I can see the my help contents if I search in Index.