View Full Version : resizing a qgraphicstextitem

21st May 2008, 10:54
i have a QgraphicsTextItem containing a QTextTable.
How can i resize the QGraphicsTextitem(like the object QGraphicsRectItem that use the function setRect())????

i know it has the function boundingRect() but i don't know how to resize it......

21st May 2008, 11:25
you must only chance hi = hight & wi = widht

and update item

QRectF FloatDiagram::boundingRect() const
QRectF now = QGraphicsTextItem::boundingRect(); /* actual setting hi - wi */
return QGraphicsTextItem::boundingRect().adjusted(0,0, wi - now.width(), hi - now.height());

but alert you can not go smaller a qgraphicstextitem document rect!

QRectF TextWriter::boundingRect() const
if (_d) { /* _d = qtextdocument */
QAbstractTextDocumentLayout *Layout = _d->documentLayout();
return Layout->frameBoundingRect(_d->rootFrame());
} else {
return QRectF();

and qgraphicstextitem can only move xy if you point the mouse on document boundingRect()

this is one reason for my rewrite from qgraphicstextitem

remember parent event from mouse comming only if qtextdocument rect containt this area...

21st May 2008, 16:59
i write the code to set the column width, but it isn't applied to the table....just the width applied in the constructor works......

this is my constructor:

for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
columnWidthVector.append(QTextLength(QTextLength:: FixedLength,30));
tableformat = new QTextTableFormat();
table = cursor->insertTable(2,2,*tableformat);

then i update the column width:

int pos=X;//some position
QVector<QTextLength> constraints =tableformat->columnWidthConstraints();
for (int i = 0; i < constraints.size(); i++)
if (i == currCell.column())
constraints.replace(i,QTextLength(QTextLength::Fix edLength,new_width));

Why i don't see the updated column width in my view???
I'm using the table into a QGraphicsTextItem.............thx

22nd May 2008, 00:27
Here this run...

grep table on page

void Layoutpainter::SetColumLarge()
if (textCursor().currentTable()) {
QTextTableCell existingcell = textCursor().currentTable()->cellAt(textCursor());
QTextTableFormat tbforms = textCursor().currentTable()->format();
int cellcoolcursoris = existingcell.column(); /* int value start from zero */
bool ok;
int LargeSet = QInputDialog::getInteger(0, tr("Set Cell Width"),
tr("Point Length:"),Get_Cell_Width(tbforms,cellcoolcursoris), 1, 2000, 1, &ok);
if (ok && LargeSet > 0) {
QVector<QTextLength> constraints = tbforms.columnWidthConstraints();
for (int i = 0; i < constraints.size(); ++i) {
if (i == cellcoolcursoris) {
constraints.replace(i,QTextLength(QTextLength::Fix edLength, LargeSet));

qreal Layoutpainter::Get_Cell_Width( QTextTableFormat TableFormat , int position )
qreal notfound = 0;
QVector<QTextLength> constraints = TableFormat.columnWidthConstraints();
for (int i = 0; i < constraints.size(); ++i) {
if (i == position) {
QTextLength langecell = constraints.value(i);
if (langecell.type() == QTextLength::FixedLength) {
return langecell.rawValue();

return notfound;

22nd May 2008, 09:53
I have this three doubt:

1)How can i set the height of each cell? I guess i have to change the cursor font character....

2)Is there any option that gives me the possibility to select a cell in a QTextTable but doesn't give me the possibility to insert Text?

3)I insert a QTextTable into a QGraphicsTextItem throw the function set document. My textItem's bounding rectangle is almost coincident with the textTable inside it. If a select all the table, the cursor position goes out of the table and if I insert a character, the table disappears.
How resolve?

I think that solving the second problem, i will also solve the third one.

22nd May 2008, 10:35
1)How can i set the height of each cell? I guess i have to change the cursor font character....

You can set the widht from cell and widht from table , the height from cell depend from block format font and margin left,right,top,bottom QT set default margin 12point any direction ( i dont know why && i not found config to reset 0point ) but you can stop this margin on keyPressEvent check QTextBlock block = C_cursor.block(); margin and reformat
your own margin e padding...

2)Is there any option that gives me the possibility to select a cell in a QTextTable but doesn't give me the possibility to insert Text?

sure ...

if (textCursor().currentTable()) {

mousepress & release edit cell rectancle like code from

3)I insert a QTextTable into a QGraphicsTextItem throw the function set document. My textItem's bounding rectangle is almost coincident with the textTable inside it. If a select all the table, the cursor position goes out of the table and if I insert a character, the table disappears.
How resolve?.

if you resize _doc to table rectangle also QTextDocument + only one table you can only select table

+ _doc->documentLayout()->frameBoundingRect(_doc->rootFrame()) show you rect to stay on item..

_doc = new QTextDocument();

QTextFrame *Tframe = _doc->rootFrame();
QTextFrameFormat rootformats = Tframe->frameFormat();
rootformats.setBorder(0); /* + margin padding 0*/
DLayout = _doc->documentLayout();

But i suppose you can draw table only on a QGraphicsItem not on QGraphicsTextItem

have you a model QStandardItemModel from table data?
if yes expand this model to Qtextable like
http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/richtext-calendar.html and draw it on QGraphicsItem paintevent ...

what for data contain this table to not edit?

22nd May 2008, 15:43
Doubt dealing with the color of a cell.

When i color a cell's background i call this function:

void QTextCharFormat::setBackground(QBrush);

while i call this other for the table background:

void QTextTableFormat::setBackground(QBrush);

If I color a cell before coloring the whole table, the cell manteins its color....How change this behaviour??(This also happens in your(PATRIk08) program...)