View Full Version : Signals to select Titles?

22nd May 2008, 17:48
Hi all,

I know that I can interact with the mouse on the actual canvas, to select data, etc. Is it possible to link the QwtPlot directly to recognise a selection, click, double click on the graph titles or axis, so that the user could interactively select titles to update?

I know I could have a permenant dialogue box for changing these titles, but a pupop would be a neater solution.

Any ideas, or tips for other users out there?


23rd May 2008, 09:49
Is it possible to link the QwtPlot directly to recognise a selection, click, double click on the graph titles or axis, so that the user could interactively select titles to update?

QwtPlot is a composite widget. All of its children are available using getter methods. So you can install event filters to handle all mouse/wheel/key events on them.

On the canvas you also have QwtPlotPicker, that offers a visual feedback for your selections and returns the selection in plot coordinates.
