View Full Version : Problem with QXmlQuery and Visual Studio 2005

24th May 2008, 22:51
Hi, I have a problem in windows with Visual Studio 2005 when I try to compile my project:

fatal error C1083: Can't open include file: 'QXmlQuery': No such file or directory

But I have seen that the file is in the directory and paths in Visual Studio project are ok.

What's happend?

Thanks in advanced.

25th May 2008, 08:18
Only core and gui modules are enabled to by default. Add

QT += xmlpatterns
to your .pro file to take the xmlpatterns module into use and then re-generate the visual studio project.

More details: Configuring the Build Process (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/qtxmlpatterns.html#configuring-the-build-process)

25th May 2008, 11:57
I have done this before generate the visual studio project.

in .pro file:

DEPENDPATH += . generalfiles graphviewer texteditor Molpro
INCLUDEPATH += . generalfiles graphviewer texteditor Molpro
QT += opengl
QT += xml
QT += xmlpatterns

and in .h file:

#include <QtXml>
#include <QXmlQuery>


25th May 2008, 13:02
Could you show us the buildlog from VS (or compiler output from command line)?

26th May 2008, 12:11
I have just solve my problem. The problem was that I have installed two versions of Qt (4.3.1 and 4.4.0) and the enviroment variables in windows was set to 4.3.1 where I haven't compiled the QXmlQuery (I compiled with visual studio 6 and this nmake not compiled this library).
I changed in windows the environment variables (to 4.4.0) and all works.

Thanks jpn for your suggestion.