View Full Version : QTime private member mds means what?

22nd March 2006, 15:14
The QTime class definition contains:

inline int ds() const { return mds == -1 ? 0 : mds; }
int mds;
What is the meaning of ds and mds? I can see that mds stores the internal representation of the time in milliseconds, and that ds() returns it to the class members (because it's private) but I do not make any sense of the names. What is the "d" doing there? Does anyone know?

int toms() and int myms would be more sensible names IMHO.

24th March 2006, 16:14
Maiby "d" is "digit" :eek:

24th March 2006, 18:08
Looking at other methods from the class should make obvious what ds() and mds are (hint: "m" is probably "member").