View Full Version : building/ compiling Qt app on Mac

27th May 2008, 21:22
Hello All,

I'm not sure if there is a better way to accomplish what I'm doing here but I will share what I'm intending to do.

I have have Qt app developed using Qt 4.3.1 commercial and VS 2005. I was able to distribute the app on other windows machines. Now I want to be able to do distribute the same app to Mac users.

I have copied over the VS 2005 developed project dir to Mac and ran the below commands:
qmake -project

this created a xcode project file for me. Now I'm trying to build the file on the Mac system but I keep getting this weird error message below

/bin/sh -c /Developer/Examples/Qt/snipit/snipit/build/snipit.build/Debug/snipit.build/Script-A0A52A2ADF7A1E2A99738674.sh
make: *** No rule to make target `../ui_addcitation.h', needed by `moc_addcitation.cpp'. Stop.

how can I resolve this issue???


27th May 2008, 21:42
What does the .pro file look like? Are there any intermediate files (ui_*.h or moc_*.cpp) in HEADERS or SOURCES? Try cleaning up all intermediate files (including ui_*.h and moc_*.cpp) and re-running "qmake -project" after that..

27th May 2008, 22:08
Thanks JPN.

It worked. I had to remove all the intermediate files and also the xcode project file too. then I ran qmake -project. added my QT libraries into .pro file and then ran qmake.

once again, thank you for your time and response.