View Full Version : Timer delay

29th May 2008, 10:50
I am trying to implement a GUI having some push buttons & a window to display image.
There are two buttons Start & Stop
When the start button is pushed, a sequence of images stored in an array of QString has to be displayed.
When Start button is pushed, new_dialog() Slot is called.
The code for new_dialog() is as follows:

void Custom_window::new_dialog()
list[0] = "/home/suresh/Desktop/Test/gui_client/newflower.png";
list[1] = "/home/suresh/Desktop/Test/gui_client/mod_xfce-in-the-moon.png";
list[2] = "/home/suresh/Examples/logo-Kubuntu.png";
list[3] = "/usr/share/xfce4/backdrops/xfce-smoke.png";
list[4] = "/usr/share/xfce4/backdrops/xubuntu-steel.png";

for(int i=0;i<5;++i)
QTimer *timer = new QTimer;
QPixmap p(list[i]);
p= p.scaled( old_window->width(), old_window->height(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()),old_window , SLOT(setPixmap(p)));


The problem I was facing is that I was able to display only the last frame.
And the error I am facing is
Object::connect: No such slot QLabel::setPixmap(p)
But I was able to see the last image.

29th May 2008, 11:01
you get error because

The signals and slots mechanism is type safe: The signature of a signal must match the signature of the receiving slot.

and you use

connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), // type is void
old_window , SLOT(setPixmap(p))); // type is QPixmap, you put also here value not type

29th May 2008, 11:06
How can I rectify this
Can any one help me

29th May 2008, 11:10
Are you sure that you want 5 different timers which will all timeout at the same time, every 5s?

29th May 2008, 11:16
My intention is to display the 5 images in a sequence juz like a movie.
How can I perform this.

29th May 2008, 11:20
How about QLabel and QMovie?

29th May 2008, 11:24
in your new_dialog() slot write only something like this

QTimer *timer = new QTimer;
timer->start( 5000 );
connect( timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this , SLOT( changePixmap() ) );

and implement new slot changePixmap() where you will change pixmap

29th May 2008, 13:53
I am trying to implement a GUI having some push buttons & a window to display image.


The problem I was facing is that I was able to display only the last frame.
And the error I am facing is
Object::connect: No such slot QLabel::setPixmap(p)
But I was able to see the last image.

Btw, you were able to see the last image because of:


(others have already solved the rest of the problem)


30th May 2008, 18:23
Now you can take all your image on png format

Compose a new APNG image ( Animated Portable Network Graphics )
on tool ...

Compression & quality are incredible...

Or you take the class and lib & build your own editor...

and play all on a QT Label

And all advanced WebBrowser can play its
IMO: favicon icon ( to webpage) Animated ... are possibel..


swap to firefox or opera if the ball here not bounce...

MNG image Format is not supported from web browser and is not simple to compose... a lot of chunk...

2nd June 2008, 12:54
I was able to show sequence of frames, i.e 3 frames in one second approx.
But I want to display 32 frames in one second & also all the frames are stored in a queue .

3rd June 2008, 10:10
Can anyone help me...
I want to display sequence of frames stored in a queue as video.
30 frames or images per second

3rd June 2008, 11:54
Can anyone help me...
I want to display sequence of frames stored in a queue as video.
30 frames or images per second

Have a look on the code from :

/* first you make a frame list : */
QMap<int,VIFrame> playmovie;

VIFrame Ftoc;
Ftoc.pos = playmovie.size(); /* position of frame 0= first */
Ftoc.point = QPoint(0,0); /* qpoint to draw image */
Ftoc.set_pics( small ); /* insert image data */
Ftoc.play = 300; /* millisecond to play 1000 = 1 sec. */
Ftoc.bg = QColor(Qt::black); /* background color from frame */
Ftoc.maxframe = QRect(0,0,small.width(),small.height()); /* the big area
to use
or the largest image to display...


/* now you can play the movie on speed you need on APNG label

After you have compose the Animated PNG save on resource (like demo from label) and launch the play on labeb
other way to compose frame :
is the same way .....


void set_pics( const QByteArray bytes ); /* QByteArray from image contenent as png */
void set_pics( QPixmap barcode );
void set_pics( const QPixmap * barcode );
/* you can extended to insert other image type ...*/

search " VIFrame "
on file ...

The list is play on this way ....

and loop forever if running is true

void PMovie::NextFrame()
capturescreen = false;
if (!running) {
if ( (current + 1) > movie->framecount() ) {
current = 0;
VIFrame record = playmovie[current];
if (record.mode == 404) {
/* no background found on frame!!!! pos!! */
} else {
setWindowTitle(QString("Play frame nr.%1 / modus %2").arg(record.pos + 1).arg(record.mode));
running = true;
setPixmap ( record.videopix() );
QTimer::singleShot(record.play, this, SLOT(NextFrame()));