View Full Version : QLayout update size signal

5th June 2008, 19:08
Hey there,

I'd like to be notified by a signal or something when a layout is updating its geometry, is this possible ?


5th June 2008, 20:12
Not really. You can check if it uses some events internally and if so, apply an event filter. But there are certainly no signals involved. What do you need that information for?

6th June 2008, 11:21
Well :

I have a Qt::Popup widget.
- This widget is containing a layout.
- That layout is containing a QScrollArea.
- QScrollArea is containing a big widget.

I want a way of getting notified when the contained QWidget changes its size, in order to adapt my Qt::Popup widget's size.

6th June 2008, 11:24
Set your widget's layout's sizeConstraint to QLayout::SetFixedSize.