View Full Version : QLineEdit text() crash - Qt3

9th June 2008, 08:06

I am getting a crash while trying to get text() from QLineEdit. I am setting a text on lineEdit in connected slot. However when I tried to get back that text I am getting crash.
I am using Qt3 setText() method of QlineEdit to set the text to the lineEdit.

Here's the code snippet:

I created two classes Class CMain1 and Class CTestApp

class CMain1


QString SaveFileName( ) { return strFileTest or m_pLineEdit->text() ;}

public slots:

void ChooseFile();


QPushButton * m_pPushButton;
QLineEdit * m_pLineEdit;
QString strFileTest;

//I m connecting a push button clicked signal to ChooseFile slot :-

connect(m_pPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(ChooseFile());

void CMain1::ChosseFile()
strFileTest = "SomeValue";

//Applications behaves as expected here ..sets the desired text to the line edit.

Class CTestApp


void GetAppName( ) ;

void CTestApp::GetAppName()
CMain1 pMain;

QString str = pMain.SaveFileName();

// The problem is application crashed at SaveFileName() call.

9th June 2008, 11:00
Use this:

QString SaveFileName( ) { return m_pLineEdit->text() ;}

There is no reason to return strFileTest. More of that, the result of (strFileTest or m_pLineEdit->text()) is boolean, not string type.

9th June 2008, 15:07
Thanks roxton for replying . But It still crash at text() method while using following statement. I did not use or in my code as boolean. I just putt'ed here to tell that I tried with both statements.

QString SaveFileName( ) { return m_pLineEdit->text() ;}

Still I have no clue while I can no get value back from lineEdit. I am thinking may be something to do with slot. Because I am setting the text in slot.

10th June 2008, 00:52
Could you post the line in which you initialize m_pLineEdit?

10th June 2008, 01:23
will explain the problem in detail. What I am doing is selecting a file from QFileDialog and then displaying that filename with path to the m_pLineEdit. When I click browse push button and it will emit a slot ChooseFile( ) and then I create a filedialog ,browse the desired file and then I set a selectedFile to the m_pLineEdit.

Here every thing I have been doing in ChosseFile( ) slot that is browse slot .

m_pLineEdit I have loading from UI desinger file using child ( const char * objName, const char * inheritsClass = 0) method.

void CMain1::ChosseFile()
QFileDialog * fileDlg = new QFileDialog(strPath,0,);

QString strFileName = fileDlg->selectedFile();

m_pLineEdit->setText (strFileName )


delete fileDlg;


How do I get text() value from m_pLineEdit.

10th June 2008, 02:04
m_pLineEdit I have loading from UI desinger file using child ( const char * objName, const char * inheritsClass = 0) method.
Could you post the line that does this?

10th June 2008, 02:29
Here is the exact line:

m_pDirEdit = (QLineEdit *)CreateChildDlg(myMainDlg, "lineEdit");

Implemention of CreateChildDlg:

QObject * CMainUIDialog::CreateChildDlg( QObject * parentObject, QString strChild )
return(parentObject->child (strChild, 0, TRUE ));

10th June 2008, 09:42
Try to check m_pDirEdit. Maybe m_pDirEdit == null?