View Full Version : QDevelop - global variables & help

9th June 2008, 12:45
Hi, I'm running Kubuntu 7.10, Qt4..... etc.
I just discovered QDevelop!! I had been using Kdevelop 3...
I can't find a QDevelop handbook.
I can get local variables (QString & int) but can't global variables
I would appreciate any comments on QDevelop vs Kdevelop.


6th June 2011, 11:02
If you need an array for example, you need to write in a global.h file

extern double dY[];

in the global.cpp file you need to include the global.h and to declare inside it the follow:

double dY[10000];

then you can use the array in any .cpp file which includes the global.h file

Santosh Reddy
9th June 2011, 23:28
I can get local variables (QString & int) but can't global variables
What global variables you are looking for.

QDevelop Use Guide can be found here: http://biord-software.org/qdevelop/doc-en.php